Worms are bad this year and apparently there are all types of issues they cause for the sheep. What’s in the toolbox? Well the toollbox has been emptied out and now it is in buckets.

After a very bad three week run of worms or another type of parasite in the lambs that are weaned, I have lots of stuff I have given the sheep to try and keep them alive.

First and for most wormer, three types, ivomectin, cydectin, and prohibit with safeguard. One of my favorite things to keep is ensure. It is amazing what you can do with ensure. It helps keep sheep hydrated, gives them vitamins, and during show stress will help keep the sheep together. I have found the power punch helps as a liquid B12.

Drench gun is very important as well as disposable syringes. I have recently found that the vitamin AD&E in the tube helps to keep the animals healthy through the hot summer. I have also been using electrolytes in the sheep water to also help get through the hot Texas summer. This is some of my things in my bucket and out of the toolbox.